Thursday, November 25, 2010

8'4 little big man??

i've been thinking about a mini log for a couple of years and finally, after seeing photos of tyler's snub nose mini's, got to it. hoping to throw it on a rail in some harder turns and still be able to sneak to the nose through those perfect sections. lot's going on here....deep nose concave flows all the way through the wide point and blends to a double w/ some vee, soft rails but w/ a bit of edge at the apex in the tail, super thick at center and pretty thin nose and tail.
8'4 17 5/8 x 22 7/8 x 15 7/8 x 3 1/4

still deciding in the name for this one: 1. little big man 2. the bulldog 3. napoleon
any input welcome.


blandoland said...

biggie smalls

Anonymous said...

Nice you should be able to catch anything on that!
Do you use resin for your pin lines and you extra line work?

Anonymous said...
